Friday, November 04, 2016

PAC Meeting Reminder

Next PAC meeting Monday, November 7th!

Special Guest, come and check it out!

Child care will be provided!

The PAC executive

Monday, September 12, 2016

Hot Lunch Volunteers Needed

2015/2016 Hot Lunch
Volunteer Request

The Hot Lunch program needs at least one to two volunteers for Wednesdays, for the following months.  Without volunteers we will not be able to provide the Hot Lunch program.  We love our volunteers!

If you can help out please let us know what month works for you.  Email us at

What do the volunteers do? Glad you asked! 

Hot lunch volunteers sort the lunch for each class, once a week on Wednesday.  A list of total number of items required is provided.  Takes about an ½ hour to 45 minutes or less.  pre-school children are welcome.  All food is delivered to the school, no pickup required.

Weclome Back


Welcome back.  Our first Parent Council Meeting is Tuesday September 13 @ 7:00 pm.

We are looking for new members and we are also looking to form a new executive committee!

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Happy Summer!

Have a great summer!

See you in the fall!

Your Parent Council!

p.s. Don't forget to get your labels for next year... check out the link on the right side of the blog. 

Friday, June 24, 2016

Retirement Messages

The Parent Council is was pleased to present parting gifts to staff that are leaving us at the end of the year.

Did you hear that Pat Lemire and Bonnie Barnes are leaving to enjoy Retirement.  These lovely ladies will be very hard to replace and will be missed!

We received a lovely card from Bonnie thanking the Parent council for her Retirement gift.  We also received a lovely note from Mrs. Lemire, see below!

Thank you to all of the families at Holy Redeemer Catholic School for my wonderful retirement gift.  I'm looking forward to resting and relaxing in my Holy Redeemer lawn chair on my deck.  Thanks so much for having the school logo on it as it will help me to remember all of the children and families who always made me feel welcome and appreciated and who so willingly helped in my classroom, on field trips or the many special events we enjoyed together in Kindergarten over the past 11 years.

A special thank you to Mrs. Cheryl Plamondon for her work along with all of the students at Holy Redeemer in creating for me a "Holy Redeemer Tree of Learning" with the finger prints of all of the students as the leaves on the tree along with the "little monkeys" from this year's class. It is a treasure keepsake!  

Thank you for sharing your children and families with me - I am truly blessed. 

 May God Bless all of you with a happy, fun, relaxing summer.   

Mrs. Pat Lemire