Sunday, January 31, 2016

Label it or Loose It!

Here's a great way to label all your stuff!  20% of all purchases go back to the Parent Council to support activities through out the year!  Share the link! 

Free Shipping and the company is Canadian!
Shop Oliver’s Labels Holy Redeemer School

Thursday, January 07, 2016

Back to routine...

Please remember that the Logo Contest deadline is coming up!  For more information click here!

Hot Lunch - Please note we need a  new coordinator for next year.  If you are interested please contact  Training will be offered during the last cycle of this year, which will commence in early February.  If we are unable to find a new coordinator the Hot Lunch program will be cancelled for next year.  The coordinator is responsible for working with the parent council to setup menus, act as a liaison between our hot lunch provider and milk provider, purchase supplies (forks, knifes, condiments as needed - usually one or two times a year), collect payments and organize volunteers.  This coordinator does not need to be available during school hours.

Next Parent Council Meeting is  January 21st at 6:30pm!  (We would love it if you were able to attend!)