Monday, February 29, 2016

PAC Meeting Tuesday March 1st!

The next PAC meeting, Tuesday, March 1st @ 6:30pm!  We would love to have you join us!

We still have room for 2 people on the Playground Committee... 2 meeting dates set March 21st and April 5th @ 7pm.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Next PAC meeting - March 1st @ 6:30pm

Save the date for the next PAC meeting, Tuesday, March 1st @ 6:30pm!  We would love to have you join us!

We still have room for 2 people on the Playground Committee... 2 meeting dates set March 21st and April 5th @ 7pm.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Did you hear the Good News?

Good news we received our grant for the playground replacement (wooden structure only)!  All the funds are now in place to replace our playground!  Now all we need is a planning committee!  Please let us know if you can help, it won't be a lot of work, just a few planning sessions to attend.  Families with young children are encouraged to help out as your kids will get to use the new playground!  Estimated replacement the summer of 2016!

If you are able to help out please contact the Parent council...  use the "contact parent council" option on the right side of this page! (Scroll down a bit if you can't see it)

NEXT PAC MEETING IS MARCH 1st.  Please join us for some fun and discussion about upcoming events sponsored by the Parent Council.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Shrove Tuesday - Thanks to our Volunteers

A big shout out to every one who was able to help out Shrove Tuesday!  I hear that the pancakes were enjoyed by all!

Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart. -Elizabeth Andrew

Monday, February 08, 2016

Hot Lunch Reminder

Hot Lunch Orders are Due Tomorrow Feb 9th!


Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Hot Lunch Cycle 3 - Due Feb 9th

Hot Lunch Orders

It’s that time of year again!  Ordering for Hot Lunch Cycle 3 (Mar-May 2016) is NOW OPEN! 

-          Use the account you created for this year, please DO NOT create a new account if you have created an account this year.  If you have not created an account yet this year please create a NEW account, see below:
o   (*note* no ”www” in the web address!)
o   If you need to create a new account the ACCESS CODE is - (contact for the code)
-          All payments and orders are required by Tuesday February 9th, 2016.   No exceptions as orders must be forwarded to suppliers in advance.  If you have had issues ordering in the past please complete your order in well in the advance of the deadline so that assistance can be provided if required.

-          Once you have completed your family’s orders, please submit payment and the remittance form to the school in an envelope marked “hot lunch” with your child’s name and grade, on or before the due date.  If you have any questions please contact Kellie at
-          When submitting orders for multiple children please submit ONE CHEQUE FOR ALL CHILDREN.  Cheques are to be made payable to “Holy Redeemer Parent Council”.

-         NOTE: PLEASE PAY THE AMOUNT ON THE REMITTANCE FORM.  Some of you may have a credit from last cycle!

-         Can you help sort out Lunches?  Volunteers still needed!  Smaller children welcome!  Please contact our volunteer coordinator Michele at
-          Food will not be sent home for sick/missing children.
-          We are only able to accept on-line orders this year to assist in the reduction of extra work for our volunteers, thanks for your understanding.

ORDER(s)/PAYMENT(S) DUE Tuesday February 9th @ 3pm

Monday, February 01, 2016

Help Needed

Volunteers Needed

Playground Planning (no fundraising required!!)
We are looking for a few parents to help organize the replacement of a portion of our playground.  Good news is the fundraising is done!  We just need to work with the Administration and County to plan the new playground!  Don’t miss this opportunity to help create a new fun space for your kids! 

Shrove Tuesday
Are you available to help on Shrove Tuesday (Feb 9th)?  Pancake flippers and sausage cookers needed!

Please contact Kellie or Angela at for more information.

Thanks from your Parent Council!